Isn’t That Something?

13 Jan

I, um, happened to get my hands on a boatload of M/M books and as I’m integrating them into my library, I happened to notice that a lot of the books are – wait for it – written by women.  So far I’ve seen M/M paranormal books, cowboys, backwoods country dudes, successful business men, firemen, policemen – I think representatives of the Village People are here!  Oh, did I mention I saw a couple of titles with the word “sheikh” in them?

Is it me or does anyone else find it ‘odd’ that women are writing books about dudes doing the nasty with each other?  And if you don’t find it odd, you’re invited to explain it to me… because I kinda don’t get it.  What I do get is the romance aspects; no offense, ladies, but women seem to really go for romance so I guess it makes sense that these fictional guys are as much about romance as they are sex… I guess.  After that, well, I’ll admit to being lost and more so since I haven’t actually read any of them yet.

Well, wait… that’s not entirely true.  I did read one entitled, “Best Buddies” and I gotta tell you, that was one of the weirdest books I’ve ever read – and it was one of the few I’ve seen written by a guy.  It was rather short and ended kinda funny, like, you get to the last paragraph in the book and you’re expecting some more – but that was that.  Anyway, these two guys start living together and their favorite pastime is walking around their farmhouse naked and jerking each other off while watching M/F porn… and killing people.

What cracked me up about this book, other than the glaring lack of anything I’d call erotic, is both of the characters vehemently insist that they’re not queer… even as they’re jerking each other off.  Aight, I wouldn’t call them gay… but given that they did this several times a day and, apparently, every day, I’d be hard pressed to call them straight, even though the author tried to insert a female interest into the story.

Now, if I read one of the books written by a woman and it’s better than this one written by a man, whoa, maybe it’s time for male writers of M/M erotica to really step up to the plate!

I just had to take a break from what I was doing and share these observations with you and ask for a little help in understanding the “women-writing-about-M/M-sex” thing.


Posted by on 13 January 2013 in Life, Living and Loving


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8 responses to “Isn’t That Something?

  1. Cinnamon

    13 January 2013 at 08:37

    [chirping crickets]…………..ya got me !


    • kdaddy23

      13 January 2013 at 10:49

      Damn, and I thought you could shed some light on this!


  2. daddysverynaughtylittlegirl

    13 January 2013 at 11:13

  3. marriagecoach1

    13 January 2013 at 12:08

    I think it is because women are very comfortable with gay men. They are one of the girls. Let me give you an example. When I was in nursing school I worked as a nurse’s aide part time in a nursing home weekend nights. We had a gay aide who told the most outrageous and nastiest jokes and the women would howl uncontrollably. This went on for several weeks and I told one little off color joke and they wrote me up for sexual harassment and fired me. There were a whole lot of nurses that did not like a straight guy getting into their profession. They treated me like I was trying to invade the women’s locker room. That’s my theory and I am sticking to it.


    • kdaddy23

      13 January 2013 at 12:54

      Can’t say that I blame you for sticking to your theory – at least you have one! As I’m working on integrating these books into my vast library, I haven’t seen one about gay nurses – yet – but I’m also wondering if these female authors are writing about stuff that women actually like reading – but are having gay men act out the romance and stuff, like this is a woman’s idea of how men love and screw each other.

      I also noticed a ‘trend’ where the men come from broken homes or their lives are screwed up in some way; they hit the road and find love… and some drama that, to me, sounds more like something a woman would encounter than a gay man… but, who knows; gay men probably do go through this kind of drama. I’m reading the synopsis of each book and I’m finding myself laughing, rolling my eyes, my eyebrows are crawling up my forehead as I mutter, “What the fuck…?” when I see the book is about vampires, werewolves, wizards and other paranormal critters; I don’t mean to be stereotypical here but this seems to be, again, stuff that a woman would want to read… and now I’m wondering if the authors ever gave any thought to a guy reading their books and, further, if a gay man would read it and find it interesting… or heavily typecasted; I think that if I were a gay man, I might be insulted… although I can’t really explain why at the moment.

      The other thing I noticed were the books’ covers; all of the covers depict guys who are six-pack ripped, ruggedly handsome, and are dark-haired or blonde – or they’re not so ripped and look as if they could use a home-cooked meal or two to put some meat on their bones. I’m looking at these covers and since I’m not impressed by such things, it makes me wonder if this is how women see gay men… or is this body type the kind that makes women wet their panties?


  4. Shakti Ghosal

    21 January 2013 at 04:08

    Great post. You seem to be the type to take a stand and stick to what you believe in. But one needs to be conscious of the fact that beliefs can sometimes evolve and alter……




  5. thepyx

    21 January 2013 at 21:48

    I am only laughing because of the show Supernatural – they have a virtual fan that writes fiction about them… but I can honestly say I would not write m/m erotica because I cant write f/m erotica. LOL though I do love books!!!


    • kdaddy23

      21 January 2013 at 21:56

      Frankly, I’m kinda floored… kinda. See, I can write M/M stuff (1) because I’m a guy and (2) well, I’ve had sex with men so there’s a lot of experience to count on. Now, keep in mind, I haven’t read any of them yet… but I’m guessing it’ll be a slightly X-rated version of a Harlequin novel.



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