Today’s Bisexual Thoughts: 30 April 24 @ 1158

I was chatting with my protege one day and he had asked, “If you hadn’t gotten started with M2M when you did, do you think you would have eventually gotten into it?”

It was a question no one had ever asked me before so I didn’t really know how to answer it except to say, “Probably…” and I answered the way I did because what I did know about those early days was how it seemed to exploded amongst us; that shock of “Holy crap – this feels really good!” and my rushing out to tell my friends about it, only to find out that some of them already knew and I was “welcomed into the club” and what started out as a few of us also exploded into a “whole lot of us” – and that was just in the area that defined our neighborhood.

The shock and often pleasant surprise to be outside of the neighborhood and learning that our guys weren’t the only guys who’d gotten into sex with other boys or really wanted to get into it; I learned that I couldn’t go outside of my neighborhood, meet a new guy and if we hung out long enough, eventually, The Question would come up: “Hey, um, have you ever done it with another boy?” Adult Me would see this as a decision tree kind of thing: If the answer was yes, the next question would be, “Do you wanna do it with me?” If the answer was no, the next question would be… the same question if you answered yes.

Sure, if someone said no and when the next question was answered the same way, you either left it alone or, if the one asking the question was either very horny or curious, you might persuade the other guy to change his mind or, at the least, you found out why he didn’t want to. It was just “rare” to run into a guy who absolutely, positively did not want to do it with another boy and from my growing perspective, no matter where I went in the city… then finding out that there were guys who didn’t even live in the same state that I did who were eager to have sex or very damned curious about doing it with another boy; looking back at those days and it was… contagious and one was either hyped to do it or scared to death to even think about doing it but I saw that even if I hadn’t gotten tossed in when I did, I would have probably gotten caught up in the great wave that was sweeping over a lot of boys and from all walks of life.

On the real, though, the question was moot since I was into it up to my pretty brown eyes and even more so when a week after my first experience… puberty. Just like why we weren’t supposed to have sex with other boys – and why you should say no (and rat the guy out for asking) if asked to – our village elders weren’t of a mind to warn us about puberty except to say that one day, our bodies will go through some changes but, yeah, not wanting to tell us about them.

“You’ll know when it happens,” I remember my father telling me and, yeah, no, I didn’t know but the girl I’d ejaculated into for my first time doing it knew and, whew, if I hadn’t been up and running crazily with this, puberty’s arrival was a serious injection of “nitrous” into my sexual engine. Mine and the other guys who, eventually, learned what I did about puberty and beginning with… it’s not exactly a nice feeling to be damned near constantly horny, which lead to the discovery of masturbation, which was fun but very messy and when you could do it with a friend, well, that worked and you didn’t know where things might go after you started pulling on each other’s pud.

I still felt “safe” to tell my protege that, yeah, I probably would have gotten caught up in it because I bore witness to a lot of guys who did. They had questions and… I had answers to those questions and, um, it’s easier for me to show you than to tell you, you know, if you really wanna know, you’re not going to mind and, you’re not afraid.

My protege had commented, “Man, you sure know a lot about this!” and I said, “I should – I’ve been at this for a very long time…” because this was a lot more than another way to have sex; there was a repeating pattern to it but one you can only see if… you’re on the inside to see it; there was a lot of unspoken history involved – there had to be a reason why the Roman and Greeks were vilified for their sexual exploits with other males, right? Right! It had become clear to me, upon reaching the cherished age of 13, that what me and the Band of Horny Brothers were deeply into… wasn’t really anything new in the grand scheme of things and what history that could be found and read was the proof in the pudding… and whatever the heck that meant.

And being very aware of the great disconnect between what we were being told and the reality that so many of us had experienced and… one of these things couldn’t be right – and I hadn’t taken me long to figure out which thing was wrong and, incidentally, I’d gotten hit with that epiphany in the middle of sucking the cum out of a guy who was begging and pleading for someone to save him. Yeah, a weird time and moment to get hit with some truth but it wasn’t as bad as we were being told and taught – and we were now being told not to have sex with girls because… it would get us into a lot of trouble. That one was like closing the barn door and, yeah, trying to get into a girl’s panties was like trying to break into Fort Knox but, again, that was fine – because the Band of Horny Brothers knew that if a girl didn’t want to, a boy would, and it reinforced that what we were told about it being evil… wasn’t quite right.

Or as I would say to a guy one day, “If we weren’t supposed to be able to do it to each other, we wouldn’t be able to.” He was firmly of a mind that only girls and faggots gave blowjobs and I got to show him that, nope, they weren’t the only ones who could give a blowjob. And like so many of the guys I got to show or prove this to, it was like… a contagious virus and one that once a guy caught it, he’d be off and running trying to do it every time and chance he had to. And being able to run into guys who had “the fever” and the great enthusiasm they’d bring to the party, which only served to reignite my own enthusiasm.

Sex with other boys was good and nice but still not as good and nice as having sex with girls. And getting to learn that “the fever” didn’t just affect us when we were younger; anyone who missed catching the fever at that point wound up catching it as an adult and, sometimes, a guy had no idea why, all of a sudden, he needed to know about dudes having sex with each other because, um, isn’t that some gay shit? And learning, as I did when younger, that it is some “gay shit” but not really – it’s just another way to have sex if you’re not afraid to give it a try. Sometimes I’d find myself sitting and scratching my head and wondering, “How is it that he didn’t know about this?” and catching myself – and smacking my own hands – because, duh, just because I knew about it didn’t mean that all guys knew about it or even wanted to know about it. but, again and like Richard Pryor once said, “A lack of pussy’ll make a motherfucker crazy!”

And “crazy” enough to want to have sex with a guy. The prevailing (but incorrect) mindset that said if a guy sucks your dick, that could mean that he’s gay – but not that you’re gay and cumming in his mouth isn’t gay at all… is it? Well, yeah, when you consider how gay men have sex with each other but also becoming more aware of how… naive our society was behaving to believe that people were either straight or they were gay and there was nothing between the two things – and after the Drs. Kinsey had pretty much proven that there was – but now you get deep into the nuts and bolts of sexuality and sexuality in men and while I now understood why religion said it was evil, well, yeah, no – not really because for humans, having sex didn’t always have to be about making babies – and then understanding why it was so important for us to make babies but then the question of, “Well, what if two people didn’t want to make babies – but they still wanted to have sex?” and, yep, the rabbit hole kept getting deeper.

All of which made me glad that I learned about it when I did because I’m still not sure if I’d been able to understand this the way I do if, like a lot of guys do, I showed up late to the party and seriously late at that. Doing it was easy enough; understanding the why of it all? Not so much and I’d encounter a lot of guys in the 30 to 50-year-old range who’d ask why they’re now interested in something that they were never interested in before – and finding answers that continued to prove to me that the rabbit hole was seriously deeper than I could ever imagine, dream of, or ever know.

I’m actually glad that I never had to ask some guy, “Why did I wait so long to do this?” or “Why didn’t I do this before now?” and as I would hear so many men say once they had the proof that letting a guy suck you off wasn’t all that bad… and neither was sucking him off because who really knew how good sucking a guy’s dick could make you feel? Well, gay men knew it and, yeah, they kinda tried to tell everyone but there’s only one way to really find out… if you’re not afraid to. And having to understand what scared the shit out of men about this but also understanding what “needs always must” could mean or, yeah, that lack of pussy thing or guys realizing that something’s missing; or guys who’d been suppressing this need for a lot of years and were now of a mind to not suppress it any longer.

Seeing and being privy to how some guys justified their entry into the pool and, yes, those things making the rabbit hole even deeper and darker and impossible to see the bottom… and if there was really a bottom. And I still very much believe that had I not gotten tossed in to sink or swim – and I hadn’t “learned how to swim” – my understanding of all of this as an adult would be severely limited due to a great lack of actual experience – and experience that my young and horny ass got plenty of.

Why did it feel so normal? Because despite what religion teaches, it really is normal, and you have to know that they knew that it was – which is why they wanted it to stop and, truthfully, for a good reason if you consider the state of the world in those deep BC days. Religion still tries to put the kibosh on… human nature and it has consistently failed to make and keep everyone heterosexual – and I remember the day I got hit with this one – I was stuck in traffic – and all I said was, “Hmm… isn’t that interesting?”

I think back to the heady and horny days when the Band of Horny Brothers came together and heavily indulged in the very forbidden homosexual sex because not only was it good, but it was also scary good, and we had only one real concern: Do not get caught doing it. The rush I could feel to have a friend screwing the daylights out of me and he’s saying, “I hope we don’t get caught!” and me agreeing that, yeah, if we did, that would be very bad -but don’t stop. Or, with another guy and I’m screwing him, and he dreamily says, “You know we’re not supposed to be doing this…” and I said, “I know – do you want me to stop?”

And his reply, “Do you want me to punch you in the face?” I sure as hell didn’t and it was clear that he didn’t want me to stop and… I really didn’t want to. Understanding later on that, back then, we didn’t have the concerns that adult males would wind up having and how those concerns could really fuck with a guy when, to put it rather crudely, he knew that he needed some dick but he was constantly trying to convince himself that he didn’t or that if he went ahead and got some, everything that could go wrong would go wrong and, oh, yeah, he would instantly turn into a flaming and very effeminate gay man.

Yes. Still glad I found out about this when I did and not way down the road in life.

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Posted by on 30 April 2024 in Today's Bisexual Thoughts


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Today’s Bisexual Thoughts: 29 April 24 @ 1055 Hours

I recall a day like today, warm an on its way to getting warmer and I’d been out of the house since 8AM and before noon, I’d had sex with three guys and two charter members of the Hot in the Ass Girls. I’m sitting in the shade of the big – but very old – oak tree in front of the apartment building I lived in and thinking about how I felt…

“I feel complete,” I said to myself and had realized that I had spoken out loud; I was glad that none of the adult males who liked to hang out under the tree to drink and talk shit were there to hear me because it would have been just my luck one of them would have asked me what I meant by that and I would be compelled to answer them.

What had got me thinking about how I felt was being with one of the guys and I’m screwing him – and after we first sucked each other off and I “lost the toss” to see who got screwed first – and he just came out and said that he felt so girly but in a good way and that I shouldn’t stop which actually echoed the way I felt when he was screwing me. The dual feelings of feeling like a girl – but knowing that you’re a guy – was some pretty heady shit and some of the guys couldn’t handle that kind of input and more when feeling girly could mean that someone was turning into a sissy faggot… and we would rather eat dirt and die than to turn into one of those guys – and no offense to the gay guy who was one of us.

I shoot my stuff in him and… he giggles and squirms beneath me as his legs wrap tighter around me; the sensations of my release are pretty much kicking my ass and even though I’d been shooting the stuff for well over a year now, I still wasn’t quite used to how it could feel even though this was the sixth time this morning that I’d shot my stuff.

I’d do it two more times in some really nice pussy and even then, I was thinking about how I felt going from having sex with guys and now having sex with girls and my brain just having a field day going over stuff that I wasn’t aware of was a part of the answer to how I felt. It’s now about 12:30 and I’m sitting under the tree and thinking that I feel complete; that I felt whole and… I felt hungry like you wouldn’t believe. I’d gotten up and gone inside and just in time for my mom to not have to call me so I could get one of her famous Dagwood sandwiches – and me trying not to inhale it and trying not to openly laugh to myself to think that having sex five times before lunch sure does work up an appetite.

I felt satisfied but hoped that I wasn’t done having sex for the day – but that remained to be seen and I wasn’t too worried about that, but my brain was still working explaining to me how and why I felt… whole and complete. As it would turn out, I had sex… six more times that day, four times with guys, twice with girls and I still didn’t have an answer to why I felt the way I did.

In fact, it would be a few years later before I finally got the answer, and it came when a girl and her boyfriend invited me to have sex with them and I readily agreed (and wondered if they thought I’d say no) and I’m in the middle of the “ultimate display of bisexuality” when it hit me: I felt complete and whole because being bisexual is the way I was meant to be. At one point, the girl’s sucking me and I’m sucking her boyfriend and it felt wonderful, but it felt… right. I’m eating her while he’s fucking me and… wonderful and right. It was one hell of an afternoon with the two of them and we’d worn each other out and I barely had the strength to head on home but as I did so, I understood why I felt the way I did and that when you’re doing the things that you just know you’re supposed to be doing, you feel both whole and complete and that, unlike others, I had no qualms about enjoying the intimacy of sex with a guy, a gal, or both.

It’s one of those feeling that makes you feel grounded, and you know who you are as a person and, again, that it was meant for you to be this way. I was finding, by the time I was in the eighth grade, that I couldn’t really understand why someone would choose to just be straight or just be gay – and the “lack of understanding” was rhetorical because I knew why and that they were being the way they were meant to be and, in the case of the straight ones, they were being the way they were told they had to be… or else. This was just my brain… processing stuff. Not only the stuff I was doing but the stuff I was learning others were doing and the schisms between straight and gay, male and female, were starting to manifest themselves and I found them to be quite interesting being smack dab in the middle of straight and gay and knowing what it felt like to be fucked by a guy… and why girls, more often than not, had a lot of complaints about our performance – and learning a significant difference between males and females and it was oh, so educational for me to… be in both worlds and to feel whole and complete being there.

Being in high school and talking to guys and gals who would say that they felt like… something was missing; or some who hadn’t had sex yet seemed to be of a mind that having it the way they were supposed to… wasn’t the way they really wanted to and did I know why? Nope, I sure didn’t but what I did know was that when you first have sex, one of the things you wind up doing is figuring out what you like and don’t like about having sex but fielding the question of what could possibly be missing if you were a guy and quite okay having sex with a girl and… one of those lightbulb moments that would often turn out to be what the guy was missing was… being sexually intimate with another guy. I had no answer for those who hadn’t had sex yet and why they felt the way they did but would, one day many years later, kinda/sorta understand that this is just… something you know even if you don’t know how you know it.

There’s what you’re supposed to do and that’s all well and good – but what you’re supposed to do isn’t what will make you feel whole and complete or dispel that feeling of something being missing. And for some guys and gals, being gay was what made them feel whole and complete; they tried it the way they were supposed to and, nah, it’s not bad but it’s not the way they’re supposed to be intimate. Those who hadn’t gotten laid yet, I learned, would find a way to get laid the way they “knew” they had to, and they wouldn’t feel right with themselves until they did and for many of them, being bisexual was what made them feel as I did.

Whole. Complete. That going both ways is the way to get the best out of having sex… but living in a world where it was a “given” that you were either straight or you were gay and, yup, gay was the worst thing ever to be… except, um, being a guy and sucking a guy’s dick might be some “gay-assed shit” but it sure made me feel absolutely wonderful to get him off like that or to be under him and knowing that he’s fucking me like I’m a girl and that he’s gonna cum in me and, yeah, like he was gonna get me pregnant (and it still irks me that I felt that way that one time) and feeling extra wonderful feeling him finishing inside of me and I still very much feel like a guy and, importantly, doing something that was a part of me feeling whole and complete.

Then again, the people who were ranting and raving about how bad it was to be gay… never had the sex so they didn’t have a clue as to how good it could be; they just knew what they were told, that being gay was evil so don’t be gay. Being able to go from having sex with a guy to having sex with a girl and reveling in the intimacy of it, how it was the same but different and, yeah, eating pussy was so much better than sucking dick – and sucking dick was good, by the way and knowing how I’d answer if I were asked which thing would I rather do – suck cock or eat pussy – and my answer would be, “Yes!” – and watching whoever asked the question get perplexed because they couldn’t understand the answer I gave and when they were expect me to pick one over the other.

And why would I do that when both… made me feel whole and complete? True enough, I’d had my share of “mistakes” and having bad sex but also realizing and learning that if you never have bad sex, you never learn how to have good sex… and whatever the fuck that really meant – and that was just some more stuff my brain would wind up having to process but good and bad couldn’t dislodge that sense of feeling whole and complete to be bisexual and really starting to understand that being bisexual wasn’t just about having the sex; it was a way to be and also learning that… I sucked at trying to explain what that meant -even though I knew what it meant.

The early adult years saw me introducing more guys to the joys of man-sex than I did prior to being an adult and especially those guys who’d say that they felt like something was missing and they didn’t know what – or they did know and now they want to know if I was down like that; or, sometimes, they just seemed to know that I was down like that and somehow knew that I wouldn’t tell them no as far as having their first time went and… just more stuff for my brain to process. Like the one thing that, to this very day, I can’t explain:

When a guy needs sex and he’s not getting it from females, what “tells” him that the solution is… to have sex with a guy? Sure, I’d say that “most guys,” when they’re not getting pussy from the woman they’re with, will go looking for another woman who will have sex with them – and not understanding that, at some point, they’re going to wind up right back where they started. But as guys, um, we’re supposed to be all about the pussy and nothing but the pussy and it winds up making us gluttons for punishment and, well, that’s just the way it is… but not the way it has to be.

I’m sitting with a guy and he’s telling me that he wants to know what it’s like to suck dick or to be sucked and… does it really hurt to get fucked in the ass? And I’m gently asking them what got them thinking like this when there are a gazillion women out there who’d be glad to have sex them and very few of them were able to answer the question and I felt that maybe it was something they knew the answer to – but couldn’t put it into words and the answer they’d give would be, “I don’t know – I just know I need to do this.”

Or those moments when a guy would tell me that he wouldn’t feel… whole and complete until he had sex with a guy and did I know what he means? Yeah, I sure did and unlike him, I’d figured that out years before. I would suck them off and after they unloaded an amazing amount of cum into my mouth – and recovered from the hellified feelings of his release – many would say, “Yeah… that’s what I was missing!” or that’s what they needed.

Trying to solve the “puzzle” of those guys who’d say that they didn’t want to suck my dick, or they knew that they couldn’t but then they did and… what changed their minds? Some guys said they didn’t know what made them do it – they just had to; some would say that they wouldn’t have felt complete unless they did and a lot of guys answered, “It was right there, so…”

It wasn’t like those guys were going to give up sex with women but now, they knew for a fact that there was something more to sex than just living on a diet of pussy and, sometimes, winding up starving to death; sex with a guy didn’t make you gay… unless you found that this was what really worked. They got to learn something I’d learned so long ago: At the end of any day, it’s just sex and whatever else it could mean to someone was… gravy.

My time with a gay boyfriend taught me about… gravy. It really fucks with your head when you’re running around and believing something that isn’t really true, i.e., there’s no fucking way in hell that I’d ever fall in love with a guy and, yeah, that happened, and the short version is that it changed everything I thought I knew about love, sex, relationships… and myself.

Yeah, just when you think you have it all figured out, you find out that you don’t and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I remember the first time I sucked him off and… it felt like I had never sucked dick before; that feeling alone had me sitting up later that night and trying to make sense of it and realizing that it was how I felt about him that made blowing him feel like I’d never sucked a guy off before because, in a way, it was because it was the first time I sucked off a guy that I was in love with.

Or was it? Many more years down the road found me asking myself if my boyfriend was the first – and only – guy I’d ever had romantic feelings for and the truth was… no, it wasn’t because there were guys in my youth that I really, really cared about but was it love? And if it somehow really wasn’t, did it matter – but what did matter was that I felt the way I did about certain guys and recalling how having sex with them was, in fact, different than it was with guys I… didn’t have feelings for, you know, other than feeling a lot of lust for them.

But what remained a constant was feeling both whole and complete. That I was still being who – and what – I was meant to be and seeing so many struggling with this, not because they didn’t know but because they were listening and buying into the dumb shit being thrown around by those who had no idea what bisexuality is, let alone what it really means and, yeah, acting like bisexuals are really homosexuals and my understanding that they key for those who needed feel whole and complete was… to stop paying attention to the dumb shit being spread all over everything.

Because when you know, you just know and while doing happens to be quite nice, being carries a lot of importance because it’s not always possible to do… but you can always be. Yeah, it’s not for everyone and… that’s just the way it can go and if you can’t, then you can’t and, gemmi72, one of those things that falls under “it is what it is.”

The acceptance of that which cannot be changed. Even when someone has reason to change their mind, if they couldn’t get into it before, they still can’t quite get into it, can’t quite get that feeling of satisfaction and aren’t quite comfortable in the doing and, well, that’s really a shame but, again, it is what it is.

I am bisexual; I cannot ever say that I felt that way before I got some dick and I’m pretty sure it never crossed my mind other than it being something that I was told never to do and finding myself on a life-long quest to find out how could something everyone said was so bad and evil… feel so good. Not only did it feel good, but I would learn that it helped to make me feel… whole and complete.

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Posted by on 29 April 2024 in Today's Bisexual Thoughts


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Living With… Stuff: 27 April 24

I’m scheduled for another PEG tube replacement because the current one – and the one that got installed back in March – has been giving me fits, causing me a lot of pain and to the extent that it’s been interrupting my sleep.

The short version is that my MIC-G tube will be replaced by a MIC-KEY low-profile tube. The current tube is too long and it doesn’t help that, apparently, thanks to the cysts in my kidneys, they didn’t have a lot of room to place it other than where they did – and seeing it on the scans they took was kinda cool, a bit startling and more so when it appears that the internal anchors for the balloon… didn’t fall off into my stomach so I could poop them out and the doctor suggests that they might be what’s causing the hard lump where the tube goes into my stomach – but she also said that since I’ve had chemo and radiation, a surgeon isn’t likely to want to go in there and get the internal anchors out.

Which is fine because I’m not of a mind to have surgery unless I really need it. The end of the tube where I flush things and get fed through is… heavy and tends to get hung up in my undershirts or just gets to moving around which is, apparently, causing the “rubbed raw” area of the stoma – yes, it’s a stoma and just like when I had the trach – because it’s not only swinging around but it’s pulling the tube in and out. The doctor blew my mind by grabbing the disc and… pressing it back down against my belly and I was like, “Wait – how did you do that?”

She didn’t answer me and probably because she thought I was looking, and I was… until I blinked. Still, given how much of the tube remains outside – and she’s making it hurt by moving it all around until I said, “Ow…” and she went into pulling up the scans they did to show me why they put the tube where they did, the balloon anchors that I didn’t shit out and of the options she presented me, having this tube replaced with the low-profile one seems to be the better option; with the disc pressed back down against my belly, there was some relief felt – not a whole lot but when I pulled my undershirt back over it, I wasn’t wincing in pain.

I had decided to call them to have this thing checked because I’d been feeling bursts of stabbing pain where the tube goes into my stomach and a few of those jolts had me doubling over with how sharp the pain was. I tried to tough it out and if I had known that I could move that disc down, maybe things wouldn’t have gotten to where they did – and I did move it down myself before I hit the shower this morning – but the length of the tube and the weight of the connection point for the syringes wants to keep pulling it back out so until the replacement gets done, I’ll likely be pushing that disc back down.

Just another one of those things cropping up during the post-treatment phase that makes it feel like having cancer isn’t bad – it’s everything you go through to get rid of it that’s not all that nice and, in my case, I had to deal with having a trach and the PEG feeding tube – and until my throat gets its act together so I can swallow without it going back to feeling like it’s being scraped raw, I need the tube – I just don’t need the tube making me miserable and even when I’m sitting down and being still.

I have stuff that needs to heal and it’s not like you can say, “Oh, it’ll heal in a couple of weeks!” and it heals in a couple of weeks because as far as my throat goes, that’s not even the case and there’s no telling when it’ll be fully healed and like there’s no telling what I might eat that’ll piss my throat off – and there is only so many calories/protein I can get from liquids to help me with my weight, like, shit, a thick steak would be nice right about now but I know that no matter how small I can cut it up and no matter how much I chew it, it’s going to feel like swallowing broken glass.

So that needs to be worked on and, hopefully, the low-profile tube won’t be giving me grief, making it one less thing to be concerned about. My lady had to get my appointment with my oncologist moved to the next day because they scheduled the tube replacement for the same day, and we figured that they wouldn’t get done with the replacement in enough time for me to hustle over to the other side of the hospital campus to make my appointment with my oncologist so… rescheduled for the next day. I have so many appointments coming up in May that it’s not even funny – and that includes a visit to my PCP for my yearly wellness checkup my insurance requires; all kinds of blood work to be done; a CAT scan of my neck then a PET/CT scan from the top of my head down to the middle of my thighs, the PEG tube replacement and… appointments and a couple that are in 2025.

I felt great relief and a sense of accomplishment when I finished chemo and radiation but all these follow-up appointments kinda harsh my groove a little – but they’re all necessary so I try not to let it bum me out and especially the ones I have to get up early for and I don’t feel like twenty miles of bad road… because my PEG tube has been hurting me throughout the night.


Posted by on 27 April 2024 in Living With... Stuff


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Today’s Bisexual Thoughts: 21 April 24 @ 1052 Hours

My brain seems to be stuck on being nearly deliriously happy that I didn’t become bisexual as an adult. I’ve learned over all this time that bisexuality can land on someone “out of nowhere” or what they call bisexual latency wakes up after being dormant for x-amount of time and says, “Okay – time for you to be bisexual!”

There was a time when I thought that being bisexual was confusing as anything I was aware of but I got to see guys who got bitten by the bisexuality bug – and why they didn’t isn’t important at this moment – who found themselves immediately in over their heads because their thoughts and feelings were seriously clashing with our socioreligious norms and being aware of the angst against homosexual men and, here of late, bisexual men which, from where I’m sitting, is the same old shit from way back in the day and all that really happened is they changed the “title” of the angst, tossed in some uniquely bisexual concerns and now there are a lot of men coming into their bisexuality at this point in their lives and having to deal with all of this shit and… so many are barely treading water because while the aforementioned crap makes it hard for a guy to accept that he’s bisexual, so many guys are buying into the more homoromantic aspects of bisexuality and, yeah, like bi guys are gay guys.

I didn’t have to deal with that crap. My biggest concern was not getting caught having sex with a guy, followed by some guy I did it with being a blabbermouth and telling everyone he knew what we did and, sheesh, now they’re all up in my grill and asking questions that aren’t any of their damned business and, no: I am not gay and I don’t know what makes you think that I am.

Oh, it’s because I have sex with guys and, excuse me, but did you miss the part where I love the shit out of the ladies and pussy? Obviously, you have selective hearing but I learned to understand the why of this because we knew about gay dudes; we didn’t know shit about guys who went both ways and if we did, well, maybe now you can understand why it’s said that bisexuality is just being on your way to being gay and it still irks the shit out of me that my “gay side” is the only part of my bisexuality that a lot of people pay attention to – and all because of the great angst toward homosexuals and homosexual men in particular.

By the time I got to be an adult, society hadn’t learned anything of value about sexuality other than ranting and raving against homosexual men and women, which had some of these folks pitching a bitch about straight people and, oh, yeah, bisexuals, too, and I would come to think that my being bisexual often confused gay folks because like so much of society and the world at large, people were either straight or they were gay and here I am essentially telling someone that I’m both – and they were unable to imagine this being true but who are you going to believe? Me… or society’s lying ass?

Prior to all of this – and it goes back to the halcyon days of being in high school – the only concern I had was being misidentified as being gay and not only being subjected to what I saw as a bunch of really stupid questions, but I had to be on guard about real homophobes wanting to “teach me a lesson about being gay and how real men are supposed to be” and, in their ignorance, they couldn’t understand that, yes, I have sex like a gay dude – but I’m not a gay dude and if you don’t believe me, go ask your sister or, sometimes, yeah, go ask your girlfriend if she thinks I’m gay.

Of course, back then, it was deemed to be seriously impossible that a gay dude would want to be sexually intimate with a female and, yeah, even I believed it until, many years later, I met a gay dude who admitted enjoying getting some pussy, you know, not that it was something he did all of the time. Even as early as the beginning of junior high school, I was learning so much about homophobia and the ongoing social angst toward homosexual men and how it was impacting all kinds of social interactions and, yeah, including the sexual ones and it was all fascinating to me to find myself immersed in this while not really being a part of it because I knew I wasn’t gay. By the time I got out of junior high school, I not only knew who I was a person, I knew what I was and got all settled into my bisexuality by… not paying attention to all of the dumb shit that everyone else still believed in.

And being “floored” to learn that (1) bisexuality has always been with us and (2) we – the world – still hadn’t learned anything from our sexual history except to foment and promote hatred and even violence toward anyone who wasn’t straight and the continued belief that if you weren’t straight, you had to be gay.

And finding out that there were gay dudes who didn’t like me because I wasn’t gay. So now, bisexuals were getting “da bizness” from both sides of the track and it’s just humans behaving badly as usual and nothing to see here and nothing to really be worried about because, growing into adulthood, I had a lot of things going on that were more important than paying attention to some bullshit that I knew wasn’t true.

I… tend to feel some kind of way to see adult males who are just now coming into their bisexuality and falling victim to both the old bullshit and the new and fresher piles of bullshit being laid down ever since that damned article by the New York Times put out that “confirmed” that bisexuality was very real. Well, duh – do you think? There was already a lot of shit that bi guys (in particular) had to deal with and this revelation just brough more bullshit and the providers of the bullshit going out of their way to make everyone believe that straight folks were the source of this new hatred… and that’s not entirely true as I learned that some gay folks still had some bones to pick with bisexuals and still about bisexuals not being homosexuals. The LGB community had geared up and making in-roads toward forcing society to treat homosexuals like everyone is treated, i.e., straight folks and this was all good until the LGBTQ+ community was heard to say that bisexuals don’t belong in the community because we have a straight privilege and, as such, we didn’t share the problems that lesbians and gays were still facing.

Except we were… in stereo. I’m sitting back in the cut and watching, with my jaw on the floor, people making up shit about what they think bisexuality is and how it’s supposed to be and attempting to erase bisexuality and not unlike society’s been trying to erase homosexuality all of this time and they’ve failed to do so and I wonder what makes society think that they can erase bisexuality… with words? Just because you think bisexuality isn’t real doesn’t mean that it isn’t. I understood this but I see the impact of this… insanity on bisexuals today and, yeah, I’m seriously glad that I didn’t have to deal with this bullshit when I became bisexual.

I see bi guys fussing and worrying about shit that makes no sense to me, like knowing damned well that you’re bisexual and insisting that the definition doesn’t apply to you or, as I’ve been saying, trying to convince others – and maybe even yourself – that you’re not the duck you’ve been quacking like or otherwise losing their ever-loving minds buying into the nonsense being distributed via social media that, upon further review, only serves to make being bisexual a hell of a lot more confusing that it already was – and seeing so many guys making being bisexual harder on themselves than is reasonable or even necessary.

It’s like this. If you’re bisexual, you like boys and girls for sex, love, and/or relationships but those three things aren’t as mutually inclusive as we’ve been led to believe but that’s the very simple and basic way to describe bisexuality… until you hear how everyone else is describing it and putting their own spin on it and… what the fuck is going on? I have sat back and watched the dynamics of male bisexuality undergo major changes, most of them good, some of them that fall into the WTF category. Now you were either a top or a bottom, but you’d better not be an effeminate bottom which was just a continuation of the great hatred of effeminate gay men and, yeah, especially the more flamboyant ones who just flaunted their homosexuality in everyone’s face – and society wasn’t feeling it then or now.

Today, tops are wondering where all these submissive bottoms came from and the submissive bottoms are wondering why there are no tops who wants to top them – and my private thought that, um, if you weren’t acting like a woman, maybe more tops would top you since tops like their men… to act like men when taking the dick. It is not to say that sub bottoms aren’t men because they are but there’s a glut of sub bottoms that have been emerging and tops, well, they don’t seem to know what to do about them but I’ve also heard some tops say that they like their bottoms to be submissive… and in ways that I know I’d never be or do and as I keep picking my jaw up off the floor and, oh, yeah, I’m not a bottom; it seems that my being versatile – I can top and bottom – is like a dying breed although there seems to be a reemergence of guys looking for guys who are willing to flip flop and… there is so much shit in the game that it’s no wonder so many bi guys today are having problems trying to wrap their head around it.

I grew up in a time where if you were bisexual, you just wanted to have sex with a guy and… that was it because anything else – being in a relationship – was way too gay. Yeah, I found out first-hand that it isn’t but casual sex ruled the roost but not only has that changed but there’s a lot of fear attached to casual sex that takes things totally out of context and there are so many bi guys who believe that casual sex is the great evil and that the only safe sex is having a FWB relationship with a guy. When I saw this… move to normalize bisexuality, I wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or not and, years after I noticed this, I’m still not sure if it’s a good thing or that it isn’t although when you take note of the gazillion of bi guys whining and complaining about not being able to find a man to have sex with, I’m thinking that this current mindset isn’t doing male bisexuality a lot of good because it seems to me that this “generation” of bisexual men don’t seem to understand that the way to get a FWB is… to have sex with guys until you find the guy who, in essence, wants to be your boyfriend or, to take the sting out of that, wants to be your suck and/or fuck buddy but with some strings attached.

And I continue to sit back and observe all of this taking place while scratching my head a lot. The number of bi guys I’ve seen who are also scratching their heads because they can’t make any sense out of the current raft of bullshit floating down the river and seeing it having more of a deleterious effect on these “modern bisexual” than it does on OG guys like me because I’m not the only bi dude from way back in the day who’s scratching their head and wondering what the dooflicky fuck is going on here… and some of them are asking me and… damned if I know.

I see it; I recognize it; I almost see the sense of it but it’s bisexuality the way a “changing society” wants it to be which, in my opinion, not the way bisexuality can be since, growing up back in the day, we didn’t have anyone trying to tell us how to be bisexual – other than don’t have sex with boys – and I don’t pretend to understand why a bi guy would be willing to let society dictate how he is to be bisexual and mandating relationship sex – and as it always has mandated and, well, think about that one because I have and… it doesn’t make sense since even I know that you don’t have to be in a relationship with anyone in order to have sex with them: You just have to want to and if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.

Not only is this following the heteronormative way of doing things, guys are sitting on their asses and waiting for a ready-made FWB to drop into their laps. Even I knew from back in the day that if you wanted/needed a fuck or suck buddy, um, you had to interview guys for the job and I don’t mean just talking to them. You did your due diligence on the guy, slept with him, and if it was good enough for both of you, yeah, sure, not going to mind getting together again because it’s convenient and if you already have a buddy, you don’t need to get out there and look – and work – for another one.

It’s not that I think having an FWB is a bad thing; I just think it’s unrealistic that there are bi guys who want one but don’t want to do the work it takes to get one and because the way to do it, in their eyes, is just too dangerous and… what the fuck? Trying to have sex with anyone is inherently dangerous and always has been but it’s like I’ve been telling guys: Amazon doesn’t have FWBs; unless you’re stupidly lucky, an FWB isn’t just going to drop into your lap and he’s already perfect for you. Yeah, the apps available are a pain in the ass (and not the good kind) and guys have so much stranger danger these days that to suggest that they go hang out where guys hang out and get the lay of the land and see if you can get lucky is anathema to some (but not all) guys and… you still can’t get something for nothing.

There is still no such thing a free lunch even when it comes to bisexuality and that quest to get some dick or as I tell my protege, you gotta bring ass to get ass because, clearly, if you don’t, guess what you won’t be doing other than sitting on the toilet and beating your meat fantasizing about having sex with a guy? And some of the fantasies I’ve observed kinda makes my skin crawl – and I’ve seen and done some stuff that I still think of as being outrageous – but the difference here is that I did them and not just sat on my ass with my dick in my hand and daydreaming about it… and appearing to be scared shitless to get out there and actually do it.

More later – it’s time for playoff hockey!

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Posted by on 21 April 2024 in Today's Bisexual Thoughts


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Living With… Stuff: 17 April 24

Yep, still living with it!

Things with my throat are still iffy and it makes eating somewhat of a trial-and-error thing since my throat ain’t feeling acidic stuff, like tomato-based foods and, oh, yeah – lemonade. Gives me chills just thinking about that last one and more so when I had a dragonfruit/pomegranate drink the other day that I didn’t know had lemonade in it… until I took that second sip.

The first sip was tangy and not really all that sweet; the second sip had my throat on fire and I could taste the lemonade beneath the other two flavors and… fuck. I still drank the whole thing and I paid for it, but that dragonfruit/pomegranate pairing is actually pretty tasty.

Live and learn… and read the whole description. I’ve got an MRI coming up to see what the fuck is going on with my right shoulder and connected stuff; the orthopedist seems to think that maybe radiation zapped some nerves and caused some muscular atrophy and, yeah, it’s possible but just one more thing I gotta deal with in this post-treatment phase of, hopefully, kicking cancer’s ass.

When I had my stroke in 2006, it left me with neuropathy on my right side and from head to toes and it’s been a bitch dealing with the sensations that feel like pain and really wants to fuck with me when it’s cold because the neuropathy makes me think, say, that my right hand is freezing when, in truth, it isn’t; my left side is saying, “Dude, it’s not cold and your hand is nice and warm – stop bugging!” but there are too many times when my right side feels cold and convinces my left side that it’s cold – and all I can really do is laugh at how that works – but neuropathy is no laughing matter on the whole of things because there’s nothing that can be done about it other than taking medications that, at best, manage to take the edge off of the 24/7 pain.

Chemo was “nice” enough to give me neuropathy on my left side and it may or may not be permanent, which isn’t making me a happy camper because I feel the effects of neuropathy more… in my feet, which makes sense since they’re the farthest away from my brain. So, when I go to bed – and the time of year doesn’t make a difference – it’s bad enough that I have one foot that is trying to convince the rest of me that it’s freezing cold – now I have both feet doing it but when I touch my feet, both of them are nice a warm and I can find the pulse in my ankles so other than the neuropathy, everything’s fine.

Enter… the weighted blanket. I was on Amazon and ordering some more Carnation Instant Breakfast when my eye happened to catch a blurb about a weighted blanket and the blankets I was using, well, they weren’t really keeping me as warm as they used to but they’re old, been washed a lot, so I need a new blanket and… what’s the deal with a weighted blanket? I read that they can keep you warm or cool (yeah, not really but stay tuned on this one) and if you get one, you should get one that’s from 5 to 12% of your body weight and I said, “Fuck it – I’m gonna get one to see if (a) it keeps me warm (or cool) and (b) if it really helps you sleep better.”

So I got one and I got one that’s 12% of my body weight – go big or go home, right? – which means my weighted blanket weighs 20 pounds. I will admit, at this point, that I screwed the pooch with this blanket: It’s too short for me although weighted blankets, for some reason, are a little shorter than a normal blanket but I’m pulling the blanket up to cover more of the top of me and… I could see my feet so I wound up getting a new blanket that’s long enough to cover my feet and especially when I’m stretched out. Now the fun part: Moving a 20-pound blanket around and one that wants to keep sliding off my side of the bed.

With my older blankets, I could use my feet to pull them back up where they’re supposed to be… and that’s not as easy with a blanket that really does weigh 20 pounds. The blankets have pockets that are “filled” with glass beads and, yep, I can feel the little beads and, yep, they make moving the blanket around… interesting. And since misery loves company, I got my lady one, too – just sharing the love and all that. My poor feet… gets warmer faster with the weighted blanket but, man, moving it around is like wrestling with a small child… and it feels “weirdly comfortable” to have this weight on you and you’re sleeping and I’ve found myself being so comfortable that when I start to wake up, I… don’t want to get out of bed because the blanket is also quite comfortable although the blanket I replaced my first blanket with, well, it’s “fuzzy,” and I’m not sure if it’s the blanket or just the weird weather in our apartment but it does keep me warm… and then, it gets too warm and now I’m playing “wax on, wax off” with a 20-pound blanket.

I can verify that a weighted blanket will keep you warm but the part that says it can keep you cool? I don’t know about that part but what I do know is that the parts of me that are the most affected by neuropathy… seem to be quite happy with the weighted blanket. My lady and I both agree that “wrestling” with our weighted blankets is giving us some exercise to go along with being able to sleep comfortably and, for me, not feeling like I’m freezing when I’m not really cold, well, not until I manage to get from under the blanket and now, I’m in the cooler air of the room.

I’m sure there’s some science at work that makes sleeping under a weighted blanket a good thing to do and, normally, my inner science nerd would want to know all about it but, nah, not really and not this time; all I need to know is that I can be warm and comfortable under its weight and I do get some exercise when I need to pull it up or just moving it to make my side of the bed. To look at these blankets, they don’t look like they weigh as much as they do – and they do make them that weigh more than 20 pounds and come in all the sizes except California King – but who knows – someone probably makes one that size. I can’t imagine what it would be like to sleep under a blanket weighing 25 pounds or more when doing so under one that weighs 20 pounds is interesting enough.

Whether it’s going to keep being beneficial to me or not remains to be seen; what I do know is that I don’t have to worry about kicking the blanket off of me and onto the floor because kicking it around… ain’t that easy.


Posted by on 17 April 2024 in Living With... Stuff


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Today’s Bisexual Thoughts: 12 April 24 @ 1112 Hours

One of my many pet peeves that I’ll admit to is seeing guys who experimented – fooled around – with a male friend and blows it off like it didn’t mean anything, act like it never happened, or otherwise minimizes something that can be important in a guy’s development if they happen to wind up fooling around with another guy because not all guys experience this prior to adulthood.

Did I fool around with my male friends and other guys? Oh, hell, yeah, I did, and it was serious for most of us. Adult Me looks back to those very heady days and can see that having sex with a friend was not just experimenting but a form of bonding or friends becoming more than friends. I could also see that need to… be a part of the crowd and how different the gestalt was for those of us who were in the crowd and for those who were on the outside looking in as well as how clannish we could be as well as displaying an uncool human behavior: If you’re not like us, you’re against us.

Guys who didn’t want to have sex with any of us, well, you don’t have to leave but you can’t stay here. It wasn’t like they weren’t cool dudes to hang out with because most of them were but when dicks got hard, they’d get into the wind and no matter how much you tried to convince them that, really, it’s not as bad as you think it is but, okay, run away while we go somewhere and do it to each other. With our tribe, rejecting someone who wasn’t like us rarely got violent – and unlike what could happen with the other tribes that we weren’t aware of until our tribe – our Band of Horny Brothers – was formed and got up and running like the wind.

The truth is that fooling around like this just wasn’t for everyone and a lot of guys who tried it not only didn’t like it but went away with some degree of trauma and usually because whoever tried to do them didn’t care whether or not any of it was bothering them and, thankfully, we didn’t have any guys like that in our tribe – but we knew those asshats from other tribes who’d try to invade us and impose their will upon us. Some guys weren’t so much traumatized because of the sex but because they just couldn’t do it and now they weren’t going to be a part of the crowd and, no, not like they had to be but even Adult Me recognized that need to be accepted by friends and others even if it was quite wise to not let a potential friend know that you liked having sex with boys.

Now, for me, l wouldn’t say being a founding member of The Band of Horny Brothers was typical because we were kinda out there and when I say that we all went batshit crazy having the sex, I’m not kidding and it was very much like a contagious infection because most guys who tried it went crazy with it and right along with the rest of us. As I was allowed to roam the city, I’d encounter other tribes that was like ours but with some differences and I would sometimes run into a guy who wanted to be a part of his local tribe but they, well, they didn’t want him – but he wanted to have sex with a guy and, yeah, right time, right place and I felt that the guy’s local tribe was stupid not to admit him because his desire to have sex with a guy was usually pretty powerful and made having sex with them one hell of an experience.

One of the things about experimenting was that, of course, we weren’t supposed to do it; wasn’t supposed to know anything about sex and don’t you dare play with that thing (or place) between your legs! One of the contradictions was that if you were experimenting, if you weren’t ordered to cease and desist immediately if not sooner, well, dammit, you’d better give that shit up before you’re an adult! Many of the Band of Horny Brothers dutifully gave it up or they got that cease-and-desist order and it was going to suck to be you if you disobeyed it.

Chasing girls and trying to get the pussy is what we were expected to do – and even I was deep into the chase and learning more about socially interacting with girls but, yeah, you know it – if I couldn’t have sex with a girl, it wasn’t that big of a deal because there were always guys looking to get a blowjob or to sink their boner in my ass – and willing to give one and take my boner in their butt. The guys who walked away would often express regret for walking away and acted like they couldn’t get back into the game – but you kinda understood what growing up meant and once you walked away from something, there was no going back and more so when you had parents hammering home the male gender role and its responsibilities and how it all worked with women (don’t you dare keep calling them girls!) and we dutifully did what we were supposed to… without giving up our desire for a hard dick because while we were supposed to give it up, um, what if you didn’t want to?

If a guy fooled around, it was either a little or a lot and the details varied from doing the “show me yours” thing that could lead to another guy touching your prick at the least or stroking it to make it hard and, boy, did that ever feel good. Or it was right to sucking dick, and sometimes right to attempts at anal sex, most of which didn’t go all that well, yeah, it hurt like a motherfucker and let’s not do that again, okay? Some guys could lean more toward the romantic aspects – but not like gay dudes were and, besides, gay dudes were the Great Evil and even the Band of Horny Brothers knew that we weren’t gay because we weren’t like the one gay guy among us; he not only loved to have sex, but he was into cuddling and kissing and it’s how I learned that… I didn’t really like cuddling and kissing with guys.

What I was learning was that experimentation covered a lot of stuff and everyone’s experience was different, affected them differently, and who knew that this could be so complicated? I would read an article about how boys experimenting with each other was allowed because it prepared them for being able to have sex with a female and, yeah, I could see how that could work except you also learned – and very damned quickly – that females, well, you had to do a lot of work to (a) get them to have sex with you and (b) make them very happy.

Getting into the adult years and encountering guys who would admit that, yeah, they fooled around back in the day… but it didn’t mean anything and I’m wondering, “What do you mean it didn’t mean anything?” while they were loudly professing their love of females – and like they had better be doing lest they get singled out as being a faggot. I’d run into guys who fooled around but because they were busting a nut at the time, it didn’t mean anything and/or it just didn’t happen and… maybe it was just me but this sounded like a lot of serious denial because how can you do something and then say that it didn’t happen?

Well, I had plenty of opportunities to find out why and the stigma and abject hatred of homosexuals was directly responsible for this kind of denial – but what I also was finding out was that guys who fooled around back in the day were more like to… come back to the party than the guys who didn’t fool around back then – and those guys would often find it hard to get into the sex – at first or, for some, not at all.

I had a dislike for guys who did fool around and acted like they didn’t. It didn’t mean anything to them but, ahem, here they are asking me if I’ve ever had sex with a guy and it was clear to me that he’s asking because he wants to have sex with me and I admit to kicking the “denial dudes” to the curb because I felt insulted; oh, it didn’t mean anything when you and your boy were doing each other like there was no tomorrow but you denied that it ever happened – but you want me to blow you? To me, it was a matter of principle and it took some doing on my part to stop dissing dudes for something that, really, wasn’t their fault – it was the fault in the way we were being told what it means to be male and a man so, yeah, if you fooled around back in the day and now you’re all grown up, you categorically deny that you did – and enjoyed – something a lot of guys did and more so when gay dudes still didn’t have the best reputation in the world.

It just irks me to see guys saying that, yeah, they fooled around back in the day and immediately minimize the whole experience – and here they are in a forum for bisexuals and looking for cocks to suck and, I felt, unaware that the reason why they want to play with a dick is because they did so back in the day and, again, compared to guys who legitimately did not fool around but they’ve managed to get bitten by the bug just the same.

I had run into a guy who convinced me that if we were to go to his place and blow each other, it wouldn’t be a bad thing. We’re talking before the fact – and I’m using what I’m hearing to decide one way or the other – and he says that he always wanted to suck a guy’s cock but never had the chance. Well, we get to his place, the clothes come off and he made me feel like I’d been attached to a machine designed to suck dick! Come to find out that he lied to me about not having the chance to suck cock before and he had, in fact, fooled around for years with his best friend and… I felt some kind of way about that. I shouldn’t have and more so when I knew that guys will say anything they have to in order to get you naked and have their way with you.

He was magnificent; his fooling around experiences with his best friend made him that way and I asked him, “Why deny it?” and he immediately said, “I didn’t want you to think I was a faggot…” and it really wasn’t the first time I’d heard a guy say this in reference to him denying that he fooled around and liked it.

It just makes no sense to have fooled around and then act like it didn’t mean anything or, worse, like it never happened. I understand why guys do this and, again, it’s not really their fault but the fault of how we’re raised and being told that guys who like to have sex with other guys are homos, fairies, so on and so forth when the truth was no, not all guys who are into sex with guys are gay.

It’s the year of our Lord, 2024, and there are still guys who fooled around back in their youth and categorically deny it in some way or another… but are making a lot of noise about wanting to get a hard dick in their mouth or their ass and, as far as I understand it, because they already know what it’s like and they liked it when they fooled around and they obviously want to keep on liking it. Curious guys are different; chances are they never fooled around but they knew guys who did and some probably got to see it firsthand – but didn’t join in but, yeah, what’s it like? There’s nothing for them to deny other than their curiosity about something they shouldn’t be curious about but a lot of curious guys will admit that they’re curious and they’d love to be able to take care of that if they can find the right guy and all that good stuff – and I learned that some guys are so curious about it that they’ve learned all they could learn about having the sex so when they finally get to lose their cherry, holy shit – you’d think that they’d been doing it all long!

You never discount how curiosity can drive someone… and if you fooled around back in the day, it’s okay to say that you did and if you liked it or not. I’d often talk to guys who’d admit that, yeah, they fooled around but they didn’t like it – but they kept having sex with guys and they were not being forced or coerced into having sex and… what the fuck? Come to find out that, yeah, duh, they fooled around and kept fooling around because they did like it but that imposed guilt that so many guys find difficult to deal with and is also responsible for them denying that they tried it and liked it.

I’m negotiating with a guy, and he asks me if I ever fooled around when I was younger and I said, “Yeah, and like it was nobody’s business!” He asks me how I could admit to it, and I say, “Why would I deny it when I know what I did and how much I loved doing it then and now? It was one of the major highlights of my life and for me to deny it means I’m lying to myself and why would I do that?”

He tells me that if we do this, it wouldn’t really be his first time because he experimented in his youth, too – but tried to convince me that he didn’t enjoy it and I just said, “Stop lying about it or this conversation is over.” Why did he lie? All the “usual stuff” about being afraid of being gay, what would others think or say about him if he told them that he did it and liked doing it.

“I don’t see the point in lying about it when you’re talking to a guy about doing the one thing you lied about,” I said. “It makes me wonder if you’re really sincere and if you’re lying about this, what else could you be lying about?” I was a good minute away from declaring this deal broken when he asked if I’d give him a chance to prove that he’s being for-real and sincere and, really, I not only felt that I’d be remiss not to give him that chance, I was horny as fuck to suck a dick so he got his chance.

“You might want to reconsider lying about what you did back in the day when you’re trying to get some dick from a guy now,” I said after we were done with each other. “You can’t act like it didn’t happen when you know that it did and if you liked it then, you liked it and if you didn’t, not only did you not like it, but it makes it unlikely that you’d want to do it again.”

I would learn that some guys hated it but wanted to go for it again because they had something to prove to themselves or as one guy said, “Just because I didn’t like it then doesn’t mean that I’m not going to like it now…”

Just one of my pet peeves. If you fooled around, then you did. If you liked it, then you did and while you might not be of a mind to admit this to someone else, don’t lie to yourself about it and more so when, somewhere down the road, the urge to rejoin the party might show up and the guys you now want to engage with aren’t gonna be mad at you if you experimented back in the day and you just might be preferred over a guy who didn’t fool around.

End of any day, it’s a pet peeve of mine and one I know I shouldn’t have but I never said I was perfect because I fooled around big time back in the day and I’m glad that I did and I’d never lie about it – but it doesn’t mean that other men have reason to and… it’s not their fault that they feel guilt and shame over having fooled around with something that none of us were supposed to fool around with… while it was also expected that we would.

More about that one some other time…

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Posted by on 12 April 2024 in Today's Bisexual Thoughts


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Living With… Stuff: 09 April 24

Met with my oncologist’s PA yesterday and she’s happy with my progress and after looking in my mouth and palpitating my neck (her hands were cold!) there’s some redness in my mouth that’s expected and she can’t feel anything in my neck that doesn’t belong there. They’ve scheduled me for the blood work and scans that I’m hoping and praying reveals that I’m cancer-free.

Later in the day, I had a video call with my palliative doctor and we talked about possible solutions to the pain in my feet due to neuropathy; the transdermal patch I’m currently wearing doesn’t seem to be doing a whole lot and I don’t feel like “investing” in the next highest dose and he agrees that if it’s not feeling better at the current dosage, the next highest won’t make much of a difference.

He did toss out the methadone option again and one that I’m trying to avoid because I’ve basically “just” gotten back on my feet (and literally) and anything stronger like methadone or, gasp, .50mcg of transdermal fentanyl would likely get the job done… by making me so stoned that I don’t know I’m in pain and essentially taking me back off my feet and unable to do much of anything. Been there, didn’t like it, and it’ll be a measure of last resort if the pain in my feet escalates to the point where I really can’t take it anymore.

So to avoid any withdrawal symptoms, he’s stepping me down to the .5 mcg patch even though we’re both of a mind that I could take this patch off and not experience any withdrawal symptoms that I couldn’t deal with – you should try coming down off of fentanyl so the patch can’t possibly be that bad. Now we get to the latest thing:

I’ve been tasting something acidic in my mouth that’s been setting my mouth – and, specifically, the right side of my tongue – on fire and I mean that shit hurts like nothing I’ve experienced so far. I have suspected it’s part of the reason why I have the magic mouthwash that has an antacid in it and the “acid” is a byproduct of my throat healing from the ass-kicking that it got from radiation. It makes sense given the PA did say there was still some redness at the back of my mouth/throat and it’s possible that my saliva hasn’t mysteriously turned seriously acidic but that’s how my poor brain is interpreting what I’m tasting.

She – the PA – said that it’s likely that the nerves in my tongue are healing, hence the pain I’m feeling and while I can take a shot of magic mouthwash for a bit of temporary relief, it’s yet another of those things I’ve experienced along this journey where there’s not a whole lot that can be done about it – and I just have to grin and bear it and… fuck, refill the script for more magic mouthwash – better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

We talked about my appetite which, as far as I was concerned, was quite good – except for when I couldn’t taste anything – but now that I can taste, I have incentive to eat and I’m doing my best to pack it away as best I can or until I manage to piss my throat off, which invariably happens. Been writing down what I’m eating, how much I’ve eaten, and the calories consumed – and I decided to create an Excel spreadsheet to do this and so some fancy formulas and other stuff I learned to do with Excel. I have the tools, might as well put them to use.

I still have an issue tasting salt, something the PA said makes me a little weird because other patients dealing with this loss of taste report that they can taste salty stuff but not sweet stuff – and I can taste sweet stuff just fine. And I’m reminded that as my sense of taste recovers, things might taste weird to me, like I had some sauteed spinach with garlic that… didn’t taste like sauteed spinach with garlic and the reason why it didn’t was it didn’t have any salt; a tiny dash of salt on it made it taste better but until I can really taste salt, I should not be adding it to ,whatever I’m eating lest I piss off my blood pressure which has been doing just fine with only a very low dose of medication.

So many post-treatment appointments to keep track of and my lady’s been handling them for me although I need to opt for redundancy and put them into my phone’s calendar as well since we’ll go to an appointment and someone will ask what’s a good day for my next appointment and… there’s nothing in my phone so, yeah, gotta do something about that.

And keep a copy of my current meds on my phone, too, since they love to ask me if there are any changes to them; I know there isn’t anything new but it would help to be able to pull it up on my phone. I have to put a call into the ENT’s office to let him know that the course of steroids he gave me for the fluid in my left ear… hasn’t done anything, which means he’s gonna want to put tubes in my ear or maybe both of them and, yeah, I’m so looking forward to that.

Not. All of this keeps reminding me that having cancer, while not a good thing to find out, isn’t the hard part: It’s all the stuff you gotta do and go through when being treated for it – and even after all the treatments are over and done with. It’s also why I am hoping and praying that the cancer is gone and stays gone… because I don’t think I can handle having to go through all of this again.

Which means that if I have to, I’m going to because not doing it doesn’t make sense and if I don’t like going through stuff now, I’m really not going to like it if we have to reinvent the wheel on this – I just gotta do it and at this point in time, I don’t want to have to do this again. This is about settling in for the long haul – the five-year plan the team has committed themselves to in order to deal with me and in whatever way is needed – and I’m committed to hanging in there with them.

I have some weird shit going on with my right shoulder and collarbone area that might be due to radiation-caused nerve damage that may have cause muscle atrophy in that area; getting a scan to take a better look and I need to talk to the radiation folks to see what they have to say about it; the PA took a look and she’d be interested in what the scan I’m getting has to reveal although she seems sure that it’s not something that chemo caused and, sadly, I’m not much help because what I know is that it wasn’t like this before I went into the hospital.

So, we will see whatever there is to see with all of this stuff. One thing at a time, one day at a time…


Posted by on 9 April 2024 in Living With... Stuff


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Today’s Bisexual Thoughts: 03 April 24 @ 0859 Hours

I thought of a title for a book I could write about bisexuality: “Bisexuality Made Easy!”

Page One, Chapter One reads, “You like boys.”

Page Two, Chapter Two reads, “You like girls.”

Page Three, Chapter Three reads, “For sex.”

Page Four, Chapter Four reads, “For emotional content/relationships”

Page Five, Chapter Five reads, “Or all of the above.”

Page Six, Chapter Six ends the book and says, “Have fun with it and don’t make it weird!”

Anything else is overthinking it. Gilding the lily writ large. I wonder if I could get away with charging $9.99 for this groundbreaking tome? Nah, probably not, huh? But when you strip away all the riffing and drama, those six pages pretty much defines bisexuality, and you will note that I did not include the “G” word due to it being irrelevant or what does that have to do with the price of rice in China?

What fucks it up is that there’s the definition for bisexuality and then there’s what everybody thinks it should be and in their own somewhat humble opinion; I’ve explained bisexuality to some using those six “pages,” only for them to tell me that I’m wrong – and here comes their version of what they think it means and, hmm, I don’t know but maybe I have a better take on this since I’m bisexual – but I could be wrong and I’ve been told that I’m wrong and, well, you see what the problem is, don’t you?

The moment you start to think that bisexuality isn’t those six pages, you’ve screwed the pooch. Yes, you get bitten by the bug and you will have to figure out what the fuck just happened and then do your best to make sense of it and you’d think that those six pages would be self-explanatory – and they are – but humans, sheesh, if something a be fucked up, we can royally fuck it up and then stand hard on our right to have an opinion… even if that opinion is way off in left field somewhere.

I’m still kinda tripping over a forum member preaching to me about pansexuality and how (1) it’s not the same as bisexuality because of the “G” word and (2) pansexuals are more likely to be more into their feelings and their inner girl, which is very conducive to making out with a guy… when the question was, simply, do you like to make out? I ripped him a new one… because I could and because it’s stuff like this that makes bisexuality appear to be so damned confusing and at the end of his ass-ripping, he fell back onto his right to have an opinion and I agreed that he does… but not when his opinion detracts from a specific topic – and one that he did not speak to except to push his pansexual agenda out there for all to see.

His “mistake” is that I saw it and, I tried not to say anything – I really did – but the more he’s pushing his agenda out there, I had to. I just had to because there are/were a lot of other members reading this particular post and taking in all of this guy’s misinformation – and all because it’s what he thinks but not what it really is.

Six pages to make bisexuality easy to understand. Now, how you go about strutting your bisexual stuff can be a multi-volume affair and this is the part of the show where bisexuals tend to diverge from our points of commonality – those six pages and I wouldn’t dare try to write that book because if we can complicate the shit out of something, that’s what we’re going to do.

Like homey did a bit of a backhanded bash on bi guys by saying that bisexual men only want to have the sex and aren’t interested in making out – and they’re more likely to sleep with just any old person, get their rocks off, and leave them hanging in the wind and unfulfilled – but pansexuals don’t do this, they’re all into making out, letting their inner girl out to play and romanticizing the fuck out of two guys having sex – because he had the right to express an opinion that has no basis in fact or truth.

It’s what he thought… but not what he knows; it’s the way he wants to engage with men, and he takes a dim view of any many who doesn’t want to make out with him and there’s no excuse for not making out with him and… my fellow forum member needs some coffee to smell.

I’ve made out with guys. I don’t necessarily like it, but I know how to do it because, um, I know how to make out with the ladies. What I know from experience is that a lot of guys don’t want to be bothered with making out; they don’t have the time to make out; they really do just want to hit it and go on about the rest of their day and I’ve been seeing that bottoms… are not fans of men who don’t want to lay it on them and like we’d lay it on a woman but, in a way, that makes sense… because men aren’t women – and it remind me that said member tried to lecture me on men and women who are born with all of the genitalia… but I kinda digress a little.

Okay. One of the things you learn about having sex with girls is that if you don’t get them warmed up, you’re probably going to be in a heap of trouble. One of the things you learn about having sex with guys – and one of the things the girls don’t like about us – is that we can go from 0 to 60 in the space of a few eyeblinks or in the exact moment our dick starts to get hard. Now, I’m not saying that men, by some kind of default, have to be warmed up like the ladies do – and sometimes, they don’t want to be bothered with making out – but you fuck the whole thing up when, in your opinion, you believe that men have to make out with each other… because that’s what you want a guy to do to you.

Or, ha, ha, like this one guy I was about to get with and he’s rubbing my thighs and I’m asking him what the hell was he doing, and he said, “I’m trying to get you wet!” and… I lost my shit and if you think about this, you might understand why I did.

I’ll wait.

Those six pages explains bisexuality in the simplest way imaginable… and no one would buy a book that only has six, simple pages… because, in their minds, it can’t be that simple. I kinda know this because, all those years ago, I had the thought that, nah, it can’t be that simple… can it? Took me a lot of years of thinking and overthinking it for me to see that, yeah – it is that simple and everything else gets lost in the details. What has me giggling to myself right now is the thought that I can go onto the forum and write a post about bisexuality made easy, write those six things… and then sit back and watch how many people are going to jump in with their own opinions of those six hard facts.

They’ll come back with what they think it is or what they think it should be – but I might get someone who’d agree that, yep, that pretty much explains it in a nutshell and the devil is, indeed, in the details covering what you will and won’t do and all that other happy stuff. Someone is almost guaranteed to mention gender, maybe go on a riff about being non-binary and someone might even mention that there’s more than one sex to go along with more than one gender and… if you just read that and are either rolling your eyes or reaching for the Tylenol, I don’t blame you and, yeah, sure, they’re entitled to their opinion – but not when their opinion is wrong and definitely not when their opinion misleads someone else.

Those six things are not my opinion. They are facts and, again, cannot be expressed any simply than how I wrote them. Someone will chime in and strongly suggest that those six things are just my opinion and all because they don’t agree that they’re facts of the matter – and here comes their take on it and now… it’s all about them, isn’t it?

I bring all of this up because so many people get stuck on stupid about bisexuality and wind up making it harder than it needs to be but, yeah, it’s those six pages. I keep saying that it’s not rocket science because it isn’t; you like boys and girls for sex, emotional connections, and/or a relationship and, yep, all of the above.

How you go about doing it is something else. This is where you can nitpick the shit out of what floats your boat and offer up your opinion about the best position to suck cock/eat pussy in or maybe go off on a tangent on a question about bi guys by regaling the membership with how your wife likes big dicks and threesomes. Or, like that guy, you really think you can get a guy wet by rubbing his thigh – and did you figure out why I lost my shit?

Do you need more time? Take all the time you need!

I need more coffee. Those six pages explains bisexuality simply; anything else is overthinking it and putting shit into a game that already has enough shit in it and all because you have a right to express an opinion even when said opinion… is what you think and not what you know and, no, they are not the same things but if you read those six things and found yourself thinking about what you think bisexuality is – and it’s more than those six things, hmm – gotcha, didn’t I?

More coffee. Need it now.

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Posted by on 3 April 2024 in Today's Bisexual Thoughts


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The Daily Prompt: 01 April 24

Daily writing prompt
What are your morning rituals? What does the first hour of your day look like?

Hmm, that would be me stumbling out of bed and trying to find something to put on my feet so I can haul ass to the bathroom and pretty much running on autopilot when opening the blinds, turning on lights and the TV in the back room so that I can try to catch the day’s weather as I address the sleepy-looking guy in the mirror.

Get the water the right temperature so I can flush my feeding tube; some intense staring at my neck and throat area for any signs that the radiation treatments I underwent are trying to leave me any surprises. Wash. Put on my daytime “makeup,” which is either some cooling and soothing Cera Ve, the oilier Eucerin or the Vaseline-like stickiness of Aquaphor.

Stumble back to the bedroom to get dressed – and in a onesie if I don’t have any appointments; grab glasses, iPhone, iPad, put slippers on then on to the dresser to get the day’s medication – and all without waking my lady up.

Stumble out to the living room to put my stuff down and into the kitchen to put my bottle of water back in fridge and… coffee time. It’s taken me a half an hour to get to this point (and less time if I have an appointment); armed with coffee and a Carnation Instant Breakfast, I go into the back room and take a seat at my desk to wake up the desktop and get to checking for updates and reading the overnight emails before opening a browser to see what might be interesting in the news – then off to check the forums for anything of interest…

Then opening WordPress to read new stuff and to do some scribbling. That pretty much takes care of the first hour and it’s the same thing every day but, of course, every day is different; today, I didn’t stumble to the bathroom but kinda limped to it because my right ankle decided it wanted to fuck with me – and then I open the blinds to look outside and, yep, okay, it’s raining – that explains a few things. It’s the first of the month so I add paying my bills to my computer stuff.

Kinda/sorta pay attention to The Weather Channel; sometimes just sit in the quiet of the early morning – and sometimes wondering why I’m back to getting up to wake the chickens again – and maybe spend a few moments contemplating my navel. Crack open the Instant Breakfast; take medication… and, yeah, why do they make vitamin pills that damned big?

I remember back when I retired and talking to one of my cousins about having retired and she asked me what was I going to do now that I didn’t have to go to work – but, at the time, I was looking for another job and had gotten one but… the stroke fucked all that up. Anyway, I told her my “retirement plan” of doing a lot of nothing and she frowned and suggested that I should volunteer to teach youngsters and older folks computer skills so that they can function in the technological world, and it wasn’t a bad idea except for two things.

The first is I don’t like to teach and the second was I felt that would be too much like working – and I just retired from working. Then the stroke happened and the one thing that stuck in my head was my neurologist telling me to avoid stress at every turn and at all costs… and I was seriously down for that so I’m not of a mind to do anything that’s going to raise my stress levels.

I don’t remember who I was talking to, but they had asked me what I do all day and my answer was, “A whole lot of nothing!” which had them giving me a funny look. “I watch TV, read, do stuff on the computer, play games on my Xbox and in between, mess with my lady and more so when she “doesn’t like” me messing with her – but it’s my job, we both know it, and it’s a lot of fun.

Whoever I was talking to wanted to scold me for not engaging in productive activities and I said, “Like what? I’m doing exactly what I wanted to do -what I planned to do – when I retired… and don’t you have to go to work?”

So many first hours of the day; so many of them the same as the day before but not really because the differences can be subtle or rather overt. I sometimes catch myself being on autopilot in that first hour, which is pretty funny most of the time; sometimes the routine gets disrupted because I’ve done something “out of sequence,” like I’ve grabbed a straw for my liquid breakfast before I’ve taken it out of the fridge, which can be rather eye-rolling because routine isn’t supposed to deviate like that… is it?

And all throughout that first hour, I am thankful and grateful to be able to go through another first hour of the day.


Posted by on 1 April 2024 in The Daily Prompt


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Today’s Bisexual Thoughts: 31 March 24 @ 0925 Hours

And, speaking of swallowing, a flash memory of a moment sucking a guy’s dick and… he’s talking to me or he’s talking to himself – I’m not sure of what he’s doing as he chants about sucking his big dick and how he’s going to shoot his hot jizz and, yeah, suck my big dick…

And his dick isn’t that big and is, to my estimation, a bit below the established average but he’s got a big cock knob and I had to keep him from trying to shove it down my throat – I could feel it trying to get lodged in my throat and that’s not my idea of fun… but neither is trying not to laugh while trying to suck cock.

I’d heard guys say all kinds of things while I was sucking their dick so you’d think that (1) I’d be used to it or (2) I wouldn’t pay any attention to it and like that one time I was sucking a guy, took him all the way down and… he blurted out that he was in love with me and just before he popped his cock. But this guy is doing a whole running dialog or monologue, and I still don’t know if he’s trying to talk dirty to me or he’s talking to himself and pushing his own buttons – and if he’s trying to talk dirty to me, it’s not working and I’m still trying not to laugh and it’s impossible not to hear him since he’s not exactly whispering these ‘sweet nothings’ to me, himself, or the room at large.

“Are you going to make me cum?” I hear him ask – and now I know he’s talking to me and I’m a little miffed because he’s expecting an answer and I don’t want to stop what I’m doing to answer him so I look up, make eye contact with him, nod my head and take him as deep as that big knob is going to allow me to and go back to what I’m doing… until he asks me why I’m going to make him cum.

“Because I want you to; because you want to; because this is what you do when you blow a guy,” I say, really miffed because I had to stop what I was doing to answer his question and I know he wanted an answer because he kept… tapping me on my head to get my attention and he almost got it in a way he wasn’t going to like but, okay, be nice and the sooner you answer him, the sooner you can get back to making him cum.

“Oh, that makes sense,” he says – and goes back to… talking about suck his huge cock and it feels so good and who’s a bad and dirty boy and… is he talking to me or to himself? I don’t know and I’m now at the point where I don’t really care; I want his cum and I’m going to get it from him by hook or by crook and by any means necessary… because I’m not doing this because I don’t have anything better to do. I wet a finger and push it right into his ass until it can’t go in him any more.

“Oh! Oh!” he cries out and this was the ticket; his cock immediately swells in my mouth and he’s blasting cum like crazy – I can feel it in my mouth as his prick throbs and spasms and I can feel it through my finger that’s buried in his butt, too, and the muscles there clamping down hard enough to make my finger hurt. He’s babbling incoherently as his dick continues to pump… yeah, his warm jizz into my mouth so I can swallow it.

“It is good? Is it good?”

I hear him asking this and I don’t know if he’s asking me if I think his cum tastes good – and I think it’s okay but nothing to write home about – but, no, apparently, he’s asking himself if it’s good and he’s answering himself by repeating, “Yeah, it’s damned good!” over and over and I want to laugh so bad it isn’t funny but, at the moment, I’m not of a mind to let go of his prick because he hasn’t exactly gone totally soft in my mouth and, for me, that’s a “sign” for me to keep sucking him so that he will eventually go soft…

But he suddenly pulls away from me; I look up at him and he’s got that look on his face that suggests that I just tried to murder him and I smile inwardly to know that I owned him but the extra icing on the cake was him asking me, “What was I talking about while you were blowing me?”

What… you don’t know? I allow that, yes, he was talking; I also allow that I wasn’t sure if he was talking to me or to himself and I tell a partial fib: I was too busy sucking him to really pay attention to what, if anything, he was saying; I do not want to tell him that he had me on the edge of uncontrollable laughter with all the stuff he was saying… to me or himself.

And why, oh, why do guys like this wind up on my cocksucking radar? Oh, I remember the guy I was sucking and as I did him, he’s… praying for forgiveness. He started the moment I closed my mouth around him and, for a moment, I thought I was hearing things when I heard him say, “Father, hear my prayer…”

And I can’t forget all the guys I’ve sucked who’ve said, “Yeah, daddy, suck my dick!” and I wasn’t sure if they were talking to me – and calling me daddy – or, um, okay, another guy with daddy issues or is he just babbling to himself?

And why are these guys trying to carry a conversation with me when my mouth is full of their dick and I’m unable – and quite unwilling – to answer; really, if you just wanted to talk, we could have done that without getting our dicks out. And I still believe that you haven’t heard a damned thing until you hear a guy praying to God for forgiveness as he’s thrusting into your mouth and flooding it with cum.

You just haven’t. Okay, back to the other guy. He’s blowing me and… talking around my dick in his mouth and, once again, I don’t know if he’s talking to me or if he’s talking to himself and getting psyched up to blow me; I can barely hear what he’s saying but I can feel his mouth moving and vibrating in a way that tells me that, uh-huh, he’s talking and I’m distracted and thinking that being able to have a conversation with a dick in your mouth is… impressive.

He stops sucking me to ask me if he’s doing it right and, up until that moment, he was doing it very right and I feel my eyes roll all by themselves; I want to grab him by the hair and shove my dick into his mouth and out of the back of his neck but I tell him that he is doing it right and, um, suck my big dick. That seemed to be the encouragement he needed because he… went berserk on my dick and while occasionally saying – to me or to himself – that, yeah, he’s sucking that big cock; he’s got a hand under my ass and trying to use that one hand to shove me into his mouth – while using his other hand to keep me from going deep into his mouth… so he can talk about sucking my big cock and how good it is and because I can see him, I can see the looks on his face and… I want to laugh and I can’t seem to help it – but I don’t do it because, duh, it would be very bad form to start laughing while you’re getting your dick sucked.

He finally stops talking and gets back to his berserker rage on my dick; one hand is fondling my balls and he’s got two fingers in my ass and I’m on the edge of oblivion as I stare into the abyss – and he kicks my ass into it so I can get a better look at the abyss – and so it can look back at me as I fall into its murky depths. I’m cumming so hard that it hurts, the pulses unusually strong and having two fingers in my ass isn’t helping (but it really is).

I’m spent. Worn out from what it took for me to suck him off and then having my ass kicked when he sucked me and me wondering about some stuff when he again asks if he was talking and, if so, what was he talking about?

I could have told him since it wasn’t like I was going to forget any of this. I chose not to answer him… with words; I just pushed him back onto his back and went to sucking his dick again and hearing him ask, “What are you doing?”

God… you just gotta love moments like this. So much better than sucking a guy and he’s calling me all kinds of bitches and whores and trying to convince me that his dick is God’s gift to everyone and trying to be all macho… and whatever the fuck that means. I get him off again and he talked the whole time and I just tuned him out and worked on getting all of his dick down and despite the size of his knob and, well, let’s say that I made better progress the second time but I failed to conquer the challenge his knob presented… but the failure was easy to accept as I heard him calling for his mother to help him when he started to cum…

And like she was going to save him. I almost laugh to think that, yeah, maybe she would barge in to save her baby boy from having his prick ravaged for a second time but that’s not likely to happen… as far as I know. Nuts busted for a second time and we’re in the shower together and in preparation of going our separate ways. We’re… talking about this and that and he says to me that he remembers what he was talking about the first time I blew him and that, no, he wasn’t talking to me – he was talking to himself because he couldn’t believe that a guy wanted to suck his dick and he was… carried away by the moment.

I just nod as I reach around to wash my back; there’s not a lot I want to say about this because I know if I do, I’m going to start laughing and he’s going to ask why I’m laughing and… I don’t want to ruin this moment for either of us by answering his question. He knows he was doing it and he’s “properly embarrassed” by his lust-fueled utterings. I was… amused by them; sucking him off was, if nothing else, entertaining and I shouldn’t be bothered by him talking to me, asking questions, and wanting me to answer them and, really, I’ve heard “worse” coming out of a guy’s mouth when I have his prick in my mouth and doing my best to focus on getting him to pop his cork…

Without having to worry about laughing; or wondering about how odd it is to be doing something that’s unholy and immoral and praying to God for His forgiveness while the unholy and immoral act is in progress – and then screaming out for Jesus to help him when homey unloaded a hot of goo into my mouth. Or being surprised at anything that might come out of a guy’s mouth when I’m sucking his dick and, yeah, how hard it is to swallow when it’s being made difficult to do.

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Posted by on 31 March 2024 in Uncategorized


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Often unfiltered thoughts.

Gemma - Journey of Self discovery

So, I've been spanked, hard! I have spanked myself hard, I have spanked others even harder! I'm now heading for a different road, one that still includes all the best bits of me, all the naughty bits, all the hot steamy bits, and plenty of spanking still to be had! But this time I'm creating characters to play out my delightful erotic fantasies, I hope you enjoy the new ride as much as the previous one...

Marla's World

Sporadic randomness from a disheveled mind.

Miss D

My BDSM adventures and accounts as a kinky sadomasochist

The Middle-Aged Bisexual

Struggling with my bisexuality in a heterosexual relationship

A Submissive Journey


Musings & Interests of a Bisexual Man

A journey into surrender

Finding Strength in my Submission

A space to share my authentic self (mature audiences only, NSFW)

Katya Evangeline

From Missionary to Sex Preacher and Loving It!

Domestic Discipline, Jenny style!

Unconventional journey to unimaginable fulfillment.


by Hannah

Hopeful Heartache

Ramblings about life, relationships, anxiety, depression, and questions.

SeXXy Julie

Sordid Sex Stories & Erotica of a Cougar

Temperature's Rising

Still hot. (It just comes in flashes now.)


Random thoughts from a random mind


Writing about recovery.

Wake Up- Get Up- Stand up

"We the People" need to stand together.

The Watering Hole

Where everyone comes to quench their thirst for insight to life's challenging questions.


Parts Of My Life


The Wise Serpent

a worried whimsy

bouncing between happy and anxious

The Self-Actualized Life

Have a fulfilling life sexually and every other way!

Larry Archer's World (

------ Erotica from the dirty mind of Larry Archer


is there a path to a successful open marriage?


The silent inside of an anonymous Indian rebelling against society

The (Bi)te

The uninteresting world of a young bisexual girl


What Perspective Matters Most Depends on Your Perception


Just my random thoughts and meanderings... I'll try to keep you entertained